Lovácsi Kristóf

Deputy head of department


lovacsi.kristof (at) kutdiak (dot) hu

He is currently studying advanced Mathematics at Bessenyei György Grammar School of Kisvárda.

He is mostly interested in information technology and English language apart from Humanities. These were the most important factors to encourage him conducting a research project with a creative, helping classmate.

Taking part in the competition by presenting in the Research Student Conference in 2017, He got to know the Hungarian Research Student Association. Their project, titled as: „CLeng” won the second prize in the Language Studies / Literature and Communication. As a reward, he was invited to the XXII. Student Conference taking place at Káptalanfüred, Hungary. He got to know many fantastic people there during the time.

Apart from doing research, his favorite free time activities are reading, riding bike, playing table tennis and learning pieces on piano.

Research is a great experience, regarding any areas. You can always learn or discover something new. My favourite quote when I was doing my research was that: You can’t back out from it no matter how hard or complex the problem you encounter is. It’ll always worth it in the end.