Regina Sophia Grimm


Contact: grimm.regina.sophia (at) kutdiak (dot) hu

She was born on December 17, 2005 in Mór, but she has been living in Székesfehérvár since she was born. She is a student at Láncos Kornél High School. She is an 12th grader, on natural science and art department. In the 9th year of high school she joined to Dr. Ujvári Sándor teacher’s physics group, where they’re built müon detector. In 2021 she got Cornelius award for the best theoretical TDK dissertation what she wrote about “Exoplanets”. In 2022 the teacher drew her attention to the KutDiák, within that to the TUDOK conference. She and her research partner’s first research is “A Székesfehérvár High School air quality” made it to the 2022 TUDOK finals in Szeged, where they won first prize. Due to their results at TUDOK, they were invited to the 36th OTDK conference in 2023, where they were recognized by the Hungarian Chamber of Healthcare Professionals. In June 2023, she applied for the Richter Gedeon Talentum Foundation high school scholarship, which was brought to his attention by his chemistry teacher, and which she won. The 2022 at the Student Conference in Káptalanfüred, he was elected as the Deputy Head of the Technical and Real Sciences Department. She was elected vice-president at the 2023 conference. In addition to her role in KutDiák, she would like to continue to do research and compete in various competitions. In her free time, she has been dancing in Alba Regia Dance School for 13 years. She likes drawing, painting, crocheting, travelling, listening to music and watching movies. In addition to arts, she is also interested in technical sciences.

In 2022, I was able to participate in the student conference in Káptalanfüred for the first time, where I could experience what it’s like to be a member of a community full of people with scientific interests. I made a lot of friends and I experienced too what everyone (including me) can be a part of something bigger, you just have to find what you’re good at. I feel like I’ve found my place here and it fills me with great joy to be a part of this Movement.