Soma József Peti

Acting President

Contact: peti.soma (at) kutdiak (dot) hu

In Nagykanizsa, he completed his primary education with excellent results at the Zrínyi Miklós and Bolyai János Primary School. He received recognition for his outstanding academic achievements and national sports performance. He continued his secondary education at the Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Reformed Gymnasium in Csurgó. In 2022, he gained admission to the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, majoring in International Business, with an excellent high school diploma.
His interests span a wide range of fields. Apart from excelling in handball, he have performed exceptionally well in American football, basketball, volleyball, motorsports, and airsoft. Additionally, he have a strong passion for various natural sciences, with a particular focus on astronomy and historical studies. He believe that individuals should experience the natural sciences firsthand through observations, measurements, and investigations. He consider it his important mission to popularize and promote sciences among his peers.
Starting from his first grade, he have been actively involved in sports. Alongside various sports, handball has been a constant in his life. He developed a love for sports under the guidance of teacher Csaba Marczinka, achieving national-level results. In 2016, he moved from his nurturing club to the Éles Kézilabda Iskola in Veszprém, only to return to Nagykanizsa after a year and a half. During his high school years, he played handball for Csurgói KK in the Hungarian youth premier league. Since then, he have been honing his physical fitness in various gyms.
In 2020, he joined the Research Students’ Association when he presented his research at the Thematic Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, “TUDOK,” held in Csurgó under domestic conditions. Following this, he won first place in the Local History Section at the TUDOK Carpathian Basin Conference, earning them an opportunity to participate in the National Conference for Student Research (OTDK). However, due to his young age, he could not qualify for the competition for the Stockholm Study Nobel Prize.
In 2021, he capitalized on the same research and participated in the OTDK, receiving outstanding recognition and gaining valuable experience among university students. In the same year, he were invited to the 25th National Student Conference, where he were elected as the Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences Section of the Research Students’ National Association.
Following this, he remained active in KutDiák and graduated from high school with honors, receiving praise from the teaching staff. His dedication is best exemplified by the fact that at the 26th National Student Conference held in 2022, he were elected as the President of the Research Students’ National Association.
In 2023, due to his work, determination, role in community-building, and successful leadership of the Social Media working group, he were elected as the Executive President of the Research Students’ National Association at the 27th National Student Conference.

I have been immensely thrilled and delighted by every KutDiák event because I had the chance to meet and befriend fellow research-minded students like myself. I am deeply grateful to this movement for bringing together young researchers who strive to make our world better and solve the problems that exist now and will emerge in the future, all while going beyond conventional knowledge. I will do everything in my power to promote KutDiák and help more people become thoughtful, conscious, extraordinary individuals. My goal and commitment are to empower the current young researchers to face and overcome the impending challenges of our beloved world.