Ménkű Andrea

Deputy head of department


menku.andrea (at) kutdiak (dot) hu

She was born on 25th September, 1999 in Jászberény. After elementary school she continued her studies at Lehel Vezér High School in Jászberény. In 2018, she successfully completed the high school-graduation as a result she was admitted to the Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law.

In her free time she likes to read, to do any kind of sports. She has danced acrobatic rock and roll for 6 years. 3 years ago she became a member of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium High School Program. During university years she would like to take part in Junior Training.

She became acquainted with the National Research Student Association in 2017. Her research was led in local history section entitled “Hol van a sok sírkereszt?!” – A málenkij robotra elhurcolt jászfelsőszentgyörgyiek emlékére”. She was awarded with the First Prize for her research in the TUDOK.

The week spent at the Kaptalanfüred Student Conference was a decisive experience for her, where she became the member of a gorgeous, motivating and connected community. It was great pleasure for her that she was elected the deputy head of Human- and Social Science Division.